Send a thank you to the Prime Minister for protecting our free speech. Recently, the federal government kept their commitment to pass a new law that protects the ability of charities to speak up on Canadians. Thank the federal government for keeping its promise by sending a letter today.
Send A Letter
Over the years, charities have helped make Canada a better place. Improvements as diverse as ending acid rain, reducing drinking and driving, ending smoking in the workplace, and introducing cancer screening standards were all the result of organizations bringing public and government attention to issues that required changes in policy. Most of these organizations are charities and together, they voice the Canadian public’s concerns.
Several years ago, the former federal government launched public attacks against a number of organizations whose views they disagreed with. The organizations were from a wide range of sectors including international development, poverty alleviation and protection of the environment. The media, public, opposition leaders and many MPs, including now Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, decried these attacks and committed to end the audits and to reform Canadian law to ensure charities could speak out.
Recently the federal government kept their commitment to pass a new law that protects the ability of charities to speak up on Canadians behalf on important issues like the environment, human health, poverty, and human rights. Your emails were critical to this success!
Now the federal government is consulting on the more detailed guidance that will be used to tell charities specifically what they can and cannot do under the new rules. We believe that for the most part these rules are clear, fair and reflect the spirit and wording of the new law.